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Access to Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is a right of all citizens. For this reason, the Government of the Citizen Revolution, through the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society, promotes the development of society with first-rate technological services, through Internet access, provision of equipment and training for children. , youth and adults of the country.

This also helps a lot in tourism since it is easier to buy a plane ticket to travel to any part of the country or buy online.

Words are not enough and for this reason we demonstrate with figures and statistics that telecommunications services in Ecuador have grown remarkably. For example, in 2006, six out of every 100 Ecuadorians had access to the Internet; in 2012, 60 out of 100 Ecuadorians had access to the Internet.

Ecuador cocoa exporter

Ecuador successfully produces and exports the best varieties of cocoa beans and is a world benchmark; However, the export of products derived from cocoa and especially of chocolates is much lower in volumes with respect to cocoa beans.

Ecuador is recognized worldwide as an oil, banana and cocoa country and nowadays its flowers are desired in the world market, but on the other hand Ecuador is not mentioned as a chocolate country at all, such as Switzerland, for example. The country has not reached an industrial development in the line of chocolates, thus losing the opportunity to obtain better profitability by adding value to cocoa.

The present chocolate production in Ecuador and propose an alternative that allows at the national level to increase the volume of production and export of chocolates and other derivatives of Ecuadorian cocoa, in such a way that worldwide we are recognized as a chocolate country.

In how many provinces is Ecuador divided

Coastline or coast:

The Coast is made up of three main ecosystems: the northern tropical rainforests; the central and southwestern tropical savannas; and the dry forest of the western and southern peninsula. Along the coastline, two additional ecosystems are distinguished, characterized by their animal and plant communities: the mangrove inlets and other areas; the beaches and cliffs known for their peculiar rock formation.

The climate is warm, with temperatures ranging from 25ºC to 31ºC. In this region is the largest river on the South Pacific coast, the Guayas. Being its main attraction are the beaches; where they excel: Puerto López, Manta, Salinas, Esmeraldas.


The so-called Ecuadorian Costa Azul offers beautiful resorts with extraordinary beaches, limpid sands and bright sun, which allow tourists to enjoy a pleasant climate, water sports, incomparable fishing and all kinds of entertainment in comfortable hotels. The spas of Ecuador offer all the comforts of housing and tourism. Salinas, Ayangue, Puerto López, Súa, Manta, Bahía de Caráquez, Esmeraldas, Beaches, among others, are highly secure.


The economy is mainly for agriculture that has a dual character, a traditional one for subsistence, for self-consumption and to satisfy the country's food needs, and another for plantation for export, in which the techniques of the green revolution predominate. The main products that are grown are rice, wheat, barley, corn, peas (peas), beans (beans), broad beans, lentils, potatoes, cassava, onion, cabbage (cabbage), tomato, avocado, orange, tangerine, naranjilla, pineapple, lemon, castor, peanut, soybean, African palm (palm hearts and palm oil), cotton, abacá, coffee, cocoa, banana, plantain, sugar cane and tobacco.

Interandina or sierra:

It is one of the four natural regions of that country. Commonly known as Sierra. It has its origins in the Inca and pre-Inca cultures that were confronted in its time with the Spanish conquest. The Ecuadorian mountain range extends through the Andes that cross Ecuador from north to south.

This region is characterized by its impressive mountainous elevations, volcanoes and snow-capped mountains. Among the most important are the Cotopaxi and the Chimborazo. Its provinces have cities of great historical importance such as Quito and Cuenca, and artisan centers such as Otavalo.

Likewise, there are several national parks with very rich and varied flora and fauna. In this region hot, temperate and cold zones coexist. Its inter-Andean region presents valleys of different altitudes and climates.


It stands out for conserving unique ecosystems of the high Andean páramo, summits and valleys of great scenic value, which is complemented by crafts, gastronomy and other cultural expressions of a progressive experience. You can admire the beautiful lagoons of Mojando, CuÍcocha, San Pablo; the renowned Otavalo fair, with its fabulous artisan market; Cuenca, the traditional colonial city; the Vilcabamba Valley, a paradise of longevity.

Volcanoes and snow-capped mountains that exceed 5,000 meters in height, are a temptation for those who do not resist the challenge of sport and discovery, which is facilitated by adequate accesses, high mountain shelters and specialized services, to enjoy these imposing peaks of eternal snows in the middle of the world. Names such as Cotopaxi, Cayambe, Antisana, Tungurahua, Altar and Sangay, are already registered in the international arena and what about the majestic Chimborazo, the highest peak in the country.


The economy occurs mainly in agriculture if we talk about the Sierra, it is distributed according to its climatic floors. It is the realm of traditional agriculture.

One of the most important resources is livestock, which is developed, above all, in the middle floors of the Sierra. It is a semi-extensive cattle ranch that serves the cities. It is one of the most dynamic sectors within agricultural production. The largest proportion corresponds to bovine livestock, both meat and milk. The sheep subsist in a very precarious situation.

Ecuador also has undoubted mining potential. It has important resources of gold, silver, copper, antimony, lead, zinc, platinum and other minor associated elements. They are located, above all, in the Sierra. The gold potential is found in the provinces of Cañar, Azuay and El Oro.


It extends over an area of ​​120,000 km2 of exuberant vegetation typical of tropical humid forests. The Andes Mountains form the western boundary of this region, while Peru and Colombia form the southern and eastern boundary respectively. Commonly known as "El Oriente". It is the place where there is a biological diversity of enormous plants and animals and of which many species are unique. Its climate is hot, humid and rainy and the temperature varies between 23 Cº and 26 Cº, it is also the habitat of several indigenous ethnic groups such as: Huaorani, Shuar, Ashuar, Kichwa, Siona Secoya, Cofan, Zaparo and Quijos, some still preserve traditions and customs. On the trip to the Amazon we will be able to learn more about the indigenous people and the jungle itself. The main tourist route is the Napo River, which is one of the great tributaries of the Amazon and a place of refuge and nesting for a wide variety of birds.


The Ecuadorian Amazon is recognized for its wonderful lagoons, rivers and the offer of rafting and kayaking in the Napo Valley, the Quijos Valley and the Upano Valley. It offers a wide list of places to visit. Of the 4 biosphere reserves declared by UNESCO in Ecuador, two are entirely in the Amazon: Yasuní and Sumaco. In addition, there are the Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve, the Limoncocha Biological Reserve and the Yasuní and Sumaco - Napo Galeras National Parks.

The Amazon is a magical world located a few hours from the capital city. Its land, air and river access allow us to know the diversity of landscapes that Ecuador offers to the World.


Its economy is based on commerce, tourism and agriculture.

Insular or Galapagos:

The Galapagos Islands (or Archipelago of Colón), located about 1,000 km from the Ecuadorian mainland, comprise 13 large islands, 6 small islands and more than 40 islets. Its origin is volcanic. These islands, declared by UNESCO Natural Patrimony of Humanity and that make up the oldest and most famous National Park in Ecuador, are characterized by the biodiversity of flora and fauna as well as their orography. Due to its spectacular landscape richness and the great variety of its flora and fauna, the Galapagos Islands are an unavoidable destination for explorers and travelers who delight in nature. Capital: Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San Cristóbal Island.


Galapagos is a unique tourist destination, it has a great landscape richness, white coral beaches, volcanoes, lava tunnels, escalecía forests, opuntia cacti, mangroves, mountains, lagoons, and a great diversity in endemic and native flora and fauna. On the islands there are 60 visiting sites on the land. In Galapagos it is possible to carry out various tourist and sports activities such as walks, cycle rides, excursions on horseback, in kayak, diving, surfing, etc.


The economy, occurs especially in relation to the economic links between tourism, fishing, trade and agricultural activities. The economy can be said to be determined mainly by the Tourism Industry. Due to the increase in visitors and environmental scientists to the Islands, the economy and population of Galapagos is constantly growing every day.

Destination: Cuenca - Ecuador

Cuenca is called "Athens of Ecuador" for its architecture, its cultural diversity, its contribution to the Ecuadorian arts, sciences and letters, and for being the birthplace of many illustrious people in society.

Child Traveler Pass

The Passage of the Traveler Child is a religious festival that is celebrated every December 24 for the celebration of the birth of the child Jesus. This is a massive celebration in which thousands of people attend, especially from Cuenca and other conglomerates of Azuay. This religious consecration has a route that begins from the neighborhood of San Sebastian to San Blas, some years its route tends to change due to work on the roads or to give space to the large number of faithful who join this celebration.

The Journey of the Child Traveler's Pass begins in the church of the Heart of Jesus and ends in the church of Carmen de la Asunción, after a tour of the Historic Center of Cuenca. It is estimated that in the last editions 70,000 people have participated. According to the priest Robert Calle, now the Child Traveler Pass is a celebration that moves tens of thousands of people including tourists. However, this festival is increasingly losing its religious essence due to the costumes that most tend to represent the culture, the colonial era, this festival presents intangible heritage based on the values, traits that identify a people and folklore. According to this tradition, the clothing of the traveling child will vary each year, it is not only a holiday that children participate in, this holiday has been changing its modality today, companies also participate in this religious and cultural festival with floats.

Religious Characters

The Angel of the Star

This character is the one who opens the parade and is dressed in a long white tunic that covers his entire body. His head is generally adorned by a golden crown with a white tulle and on his back he wears two large white paper wings. In his right hand he carries a wood lined with silver paper that ends in a star of the same color. Its function is to guide the Magi and Shepherds to the adoration of the Child God.

The virgin

It is represented by a girl. On his head he wears a Spanish or tulle mantilla and the tunic that covers his body can be white, light blue or pink with a silver or gold belt. She is always accompanied by Saint Joseph and is the most important figure in the biblical scenes represented in the floats.

Saint Joseph

It is a child dressed in a brown tunic and green cloak whose function is to always accompany the Virgin in biblical scenes that require her presence. He also wears an artificial brown hair and beard.

Wise men

These characters wear brightly colored satin pants and knee-length tunics. Their capes are made of velvet or satin and on their heads they always wear a crown adorned with pearls and artificial diamonds that are sometimes replaced by different colored turbans. They generally wear beards, except for the Black King whose face may be painted with soot and grease. The three Wise Men hold a scepter and carry chests that simulate the offerings that the Kings brought to the Child God. They always ride on a horse covered with elegant gobelins or blankets.

Saint John Baptist

A child with a naked torso who wears furs on his shoulder is the one who represents Saint John the Baptist. In his right hand he holds a cross and in his left a halter with a white sheep. As young children are the ones who dress up as Saint John the Baptist, they are generally accompanied by their parents.

Civil characters Mayorales

They represent natives of the province of Cañar who had strong power and prestige within the indigenous or peons of a mountain hacienda, as they were the direct managers of the bosses to control peasant labor. The mayorales guide the rest of the shepherds who carry the offerings and their clothing is that of a cañarejo: black wool pants, cabuya espadrilles with red ribbons, white shirt with colored embroidery on the neck and cuffs, black or red wool poncho supported by a sash woven in strong colors. He wears a white hat made of potted wool. The mayoral's companion is the majority, with her hair in braids with red ribbons. She wears a skirt of very bright colors and highly embroidered at its lower ends over another made of simple wool. His back is covered by the "liglla" held by the "tupulli" or silver pin with stones.

The Cholas Cuencanas

Typical costume: toquilla straw hat; richly embroidered or “polka” blouse; inner pocket or skirt: made of wool, without embroidery and with tucks on its inner edge; Gualaceo cloth: a kind of shawl, woven on a waist loom and with knotted or embroidered fringe.

The Jíbaros

They are characters that represent indigenous people of the Ecuadorian Amazon region. They wear typical clothing consisting of solid colored anacos (usually red), a backpack that hangs from their shoulders, a chonta spear in hand and on their heads, plumes of colorful feathers from parrots or other oriental birds. When the jíbaros go on foot and in groups they perform a series of warrior dances.

The Saraguros

They are children who represent the natives of the province of Loja, who are characterized by always wearing black. They wear showy and large wool hats combined in black and white. The girls are adorned with beaded necklaces and large earrings.

Dancing niggas

Characters represented by children whose bodies are painted black with butter and ollin, with fiery red lids and lips. The "black dance" wear a skirt and blouse of strong and contrasting colors, red turbans, necklaces and large earrings.

Typical food of the festival

The most common foods are boiled potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, chili peppers, and animals such as baked pigs, guinea pigs, turkeys, and roast chickens, which often wear ribbons and banknotes on their snouts or beaks.

Tourism is really surprising, Ecuador has thousands of tourist sites and places to visit with your family or friends. The tourist places of Ecuador is something that you cannot miss, Ecuador has unforgettable tourist places for many foreign and national tourists. If you want to take a vacation and get to know all the tourist places in Ecuador, it presents some tourism options in which you can enjoy extraordinary tourism. You will have the opportunity to know the different tourist destinations in Ecuador such as the Sierra, its Coast, Amazonia and its Galapagos island region, in a matter of minutes and choose which of them you want to visit.


Tourism, in my opinion, should apply the following phrase “Unity is strength”. Understanding the union as the interest groups of a destination.

Considering that at present the use of mobile phones is widespread, to benefit tourism it is important to reach the customer through this device with advertisements on websites, advertising on WhatsApp, in emails, applications, among others, that are easy to use, observe on any apparatus.

In addition, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram must be promoted as means of advertising and approaching customers. It is essential to provide information through these networks, use the image to attract purchases and use the packaging of tourist services through a QR code.

The use of technologies must also be linked to sustainable development to sensitize communities, tourists and destination managers about the potential of a place and the importance of conserving a nature reserve in order to guide children, youth and adults about environmental care.

To end:

Ecuadorian companies as key business challenges, current technological support and capabilities, emerging initiatives and technologies, as well as a digital strategy to innovate with technology as responses to increasingly aggressive and complex markets and competitors.

Learn more about this beautiful celebration: 


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